On the 6th of April, at approximately 05:00 local Spanish time, we launched the newest version of STEL Order which contains a few changes and some improvements, such as new document statuses:
Here is a full list of updates for this version:
- A new button to re-calculate the price of any items inserted into a document (based on the client, price rate and currency exchange).
- Duplicate price rates and special prices when duplicating a product or service.
- Added the “Refused” and “In Progress” statuses to work, sales and purchase orders.
- Added the “In Progress” and “Closed” statuses to work, sales or purchase delivery notes.
- New “Assigned to” and “Assigned date” fields within work orders (also added to the template editor and to exported work order listings).
- New “Start date” and “End date” fields within work orders and delivery notes (also added to the template editor and to exported work order and delivery note listings).
- New “Delivery option” field in work orders and delivery notes (also added to the template editor and to exported work order and delivery note listings).
- Added a filter functionality to the employee list.
- Ability to access Microsoft Edge.
- General improvements to the app and its offline mode.
Some users may of experienced connection issues during the hours mentioned above. If so, we apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you and we hope the latest update will help make your business and life easier.
Thank you for your trust,
The STEL Order Team